Sequoyah Jr Chiefs Football 2018

$9457of $25000

Created BySequoyah TD Club
642Total Shares

If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride – and never quit – you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.” - Bear Bryant


It’s that time again Chiefs fans!! Another football season is here. Our program has a strong community, which gives us the  foundation on which we build our program. WE are all very lucky to be a part of something this special. From the new players who walk onto the field for the first time, to the kids who are in their third season with our Jr program, to the parents and coaches who spend endless hours with our children, we are one! We are preparing for the summer which will lead to our season success. We are continuing to set the bar for excellence and fun and we all have to come together to meet these expectations. With hard work and dedication, everyone involved with our program can give of themselves in some way. This will help us meet our goals and build our Chiefs football legacy.


As your Jr Chiefs work hard to prepare all summer long, we are reaching out to you and are respectfully asking your financial assistance as we try to raise the necessary money to build and equip our younger teams. Everyone in our program has been challenged to raise $300 each. Your support will help meet our Middle School program's desperate need for helmets, shoulder pads, knee pads, reconditioning of helmets, replacement game jerseys and pants, practice jerseys, and new footballs. Most important of all, your generous donation provides us with the support and encouragement needed to achieve our goals.  Please help us reach out and seek those who want to help our young Chiefs. A donation of any size matters. Whether its $5, $10, $20, all money goes to build these younger programs and provide a special experience for your children or the kids you have a vested interest in seeing succeed. 


Your support matters to our football program!  Remember, we are all ONE FAMILY, ONE SEQUOYAH, ONE TEAM! Thank you.  GO JR CHIEFS!!

642Total Shares

Recent Donations

$ 25.00

Ron&Nan Broussard


Helping our grandson Marco Peña!
$ 100.00

Nathan Anderson


Good luck Drew!!
$ 25.00

Scott Sanders


Good luck Keaton!
$ 25.00

Christy Witherow


Good luck Carson & the Jr Chiefs.
$ 25.00

Alicia Swoszowski


Proud of you Andrew!!
$ 50.00

will smallwood


$ 50.00

Heather Little


🏈🏈Canyon Lewis🏈🏈
$ 50.00

Kourtney Weaver


Hope you have a killer football year!
$ 50.00

Debbie Lewis


Canyon Lewis
$ 50.00

DeeAnne ByrneScott


Donation for Canyon Lewis
$ 25.00

Peggy Hornick


$ 100.00

Randall & Angie Miller


Can’t wait to come watch you!!!
642Total Shares
